Accidental freezing of refrigerated vaccine, Freeze-damaged vaccines lose their effectiveness, vaccine temperature monitoring devices NCSL International

Optimizing Data Logger Setup and Use for Refrigerated Vaccine Temperature Monitoring

NCSLI Measure  |  Vol. 10 No. 3 (2015)  |
Publisher NCSL International  |  Published September 2015  |  pp. 28-37

Accidental freezing of refrigerated vaccine represents a significant public and private healthcare cost. Freeze-damaged vaccines lose their effectiveness, putting public health at risk. U.S. immunization programs have strengthened vaccine storage and handling recommendations to mitigate this danger. However, current publications describing the setup and configuration of vaccine temperature monitoring devices allow for a range of untested interpretations. In this paper, we report on our study of specific temperature monitoring setup variables, including vial size, thermal buffer type, buffer fluid concentration, and placement of the probe-in-vial setup, in an effort to provide definitive guidance on the selection of an optimal temperature monitoring setup and methodology for use in vaccine storage refrigerators.

(Print: ISSN 1931-5775) (Online: ISSN 2381-0580)
©2015 NCSL International
Michal J. Chojnacky 0000-0002-7872-6413

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sensor Science Division
Thermodynamic Metrology
Gaithersburg, MD

L.F. Chaves Santacruz

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sensor Science Division
Thermodynamic Metrology
Gaithersburg, MD

Laboratorio Costarricense de Metrologia
Depatamento de Metrologia Fisica Laboratorio de Temperatura
San Jose, Costa Rica

W. Wyatt Miller

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sensor Science Division
Thermodynamic Metrology
Gaithersburg, MD

Gregory F. Strouse

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sensor Science Division
Thermodynamic Metrology
Gaithersburg, MD

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M. Chojnacky, "Optimizing Data Logger Setup and Use for Refrigerated Vaccine Temperature Monitoring," NCSLI Measure, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 28-37,