The NCSLI Education & Training Award is given to an individual or group of individuals for outstanding contribution(s) to the field of measurement science, education and training. The purpose of the award is to provide incentive and recognition of
outstanding education, training, professional development, and outreach contributions that are consistent with the goals and mission of NCSL International. If you know of someone that should be considered and is qualified to receive this award, please
fill out the below nomination form.
2024 - Ms. Isabelle Amen
Isabelle has more than 20 years’ experience in measurement and laboratory management systems. With a huge appetite to share their vast knowledge and experience, taking each day as an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to help develop others. As a laboratory accreditation services client manager, Isabelle looked after the needs of more than 100 clients. Assuring those who needed it, found a pathway to training and those that were ready, had a first-class assessment team. With a commitment to excellence that extended to passing on experiences through developing policies, processes, and guidance for the benefit of colleagues and clients alike.
Isabelle's talent as a trainer shone through, taking on the responsibility leading ISO/IEC 17025 assessor training, bringing together assessors for annual workshops as well as ongoing training for smaller groups of aspiring assessors. It is difficult to put a number on how many assessors have benefited from these training events, even harder to consider how many laboratory staff.
The NCSLI tutorial program first benefited from Isabelle's skills in Nashville, in 2013, with a tutorial on auditing, traceability and auditing traceability, a course that is still part of the tutorial program today.
As the Quality System Leader, Isabelle Amen is pivotal to integrating new staff primarily through a comprehensive training program, many of the course developed are applicable to a broader audience and are offered as part of the NCSL International training events.
The E&T award winner contributes to the broader metrology community:
- As the part of the SIM quality system task force providing leadership and helping to assure that the capabilities of national metrology institutes throughout the Americas are recognized globally.
- As an active member of a mirror committee to the ISO committee on conformity assessment, contributing to the co-development of a training program for the transition to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 that was used to train assessors from multiple accreditation bodies as well staff from laboratories.
For many years now, Isabelle has held an open clinic to help others with quality system related questions, concerns, or issues, which pivoted to a virtual open door during the pandemic. This typifies our winner’s commitment to people, finding innovative ways to connect and continue to learn and to share experiences, to help create an environment where advancements in measurement can propagate through the entire measurement community.
2023 - Mr. Walter Nowocin
Walter has devoted nearly 40 years to the field of calibration and metrology with IndySoft, Medtronic, and the US Marine Corps. His early years were spent serving in the military, learning and then becoming a trainer in calibration in the United States Marine Corps. While there, Walter developed a comprehensive training program that was used to train Marine Corps and Navy calibration technicians. The program included self-study guides, training videos, and two-day training sessions. He received a Letter of Commendation from the Commander of Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Rhode Island for demonstrating the highest quality and conscientious adherence to quality assurance procedures for this program.
Walter is proactive at the national level in enhancing the field of metrology. He participated on the American Society for Quality’s writing committee that developed the first certification program for calibration technicians. As a result, six Medtronic employees achieved ASQ Certified Calibration Technician status in the first year. Walter actively supported the joint initiative of ASQ and NCSLI to include Metrology-related job descriptions at the U.S. Department of Labor. He worked with Medtronic’s Human Resource directors to send an official letter from Medtronic to the Department of Labor.
Walter is very active in the NCSLI organization at the local and international level. In 2012, Walter was the chair of the NCSLI 151 Healthcare Metrology Committee which has 124 members representing 67 global companies and has represented Medtronic and IndySoft on this committee.
His continual drive for learning is exemplified by investing in his own development, obtaining his master’s degree in engineering management from St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. For eleven years, Walter was an adjunct professor for St. Cloud State University teaching two graduate classes in the field of engineering with a focus on managing technology and innovation.
Walter has spent his life developing, supporting, and driving training and educational opportunities for the world of Metrology and the NCSLI community. He has clearly demonstrated his personal passion for learning and teaching.
2022 - Mr. Henry Zumbrun
Henry is the President of Morehouse Instrument Company and a fourth-generation business owner with a passion for promoting best measurement practices in force and torque measurement. Henry has over 25 years of industry experience in metrology and prides
himself on helping others make better force and torque measurements. Henry has been on the ASTM E28 committee for over a decade and has contributed to improving the ASTM E74 and E2428 standards. He is the author of several chapters in the 3rd edition
of the Metrology Handbook, author of the book “Force Calibration for Technicians and Quality Managers: Top Conditions, Methods, and Systems that Impact Force Calibration Results,” as well as the A2LA guidance document “G126 - Guidance on Uncertainty
Budgets for Force Measuring Devices”.
Henry is passionate about educating the metrology community on making accurate and precise measurements when it comes to force and torque parameters and general metrology applications. He has supported the NCSLI Tutorial program for over ten years at
the NCSLI annual conferences and presented at the various regionals. Henry has also conducted several learning labs during the NCSLI Workshop and Symposium. In addition, he has written many blogs and papers on making better force measurements and
proper use of load cell adapters. He has published over 100 educational articles on the Morehouse website to assist the metrology community in making better measurements. All his contributions (publications, spreadsheet templates, blogs) are available
free of charge to download, so metrology professionals benefit from his knowledge and experience. He has a style of communicating complex topics in a layperson’s language to ensure a good understanding of whether the metrology professional is a beginner
or a seasoned expert.
2021 - Dr. James Salsbury
Dr. James Salsbury, General Manager of Corporate Metrology at Mitutoyo, has been working in the measurement field for over 25 years. Joining Mitutoyo America Corporation in 2000, Dr. Salsbury is an active participant in national and international dimensional
metrology and tolerancing standards efforts, including being a member of the ASME B89 Main Committee, chair of ASME B89.1 on Length and a US-appointed subject matter expert to ISO/TC 213.
Dr. Salsbury also serves as the chair of the Dimensional
Metrology Committee and as the coordinator of the Chicago section for NCSL International.
Beyond Dr. Salsbury’s efforts at creating and bettering metrology standards, he was instrumental in starting the Mitutoyo Metrology Institute, establishing
online courses and onsite metrology curriculum as well as developing several educational videos found on YouTube, from general metrology concepts to calibration of small precision tools.
Dr. Salsbury has a special ability to teach difficult metrology
concepts by incorporating real-life scenarios, and his continuing efforts to support education, which earned him the NIU Department of Technology “Honorary Alumnus” award.
Named Quality Professional of the Year at the Quality Measurement conference
in 2011, Dr. Salsbury is also a member of the American Society of Precision, and he has been published in several different industry magazines numerous times. At the NCSLI Annual Conference In 2018, Dr. Salsbury won a Best Paper Award for his work
on “The New American Standard for Digital, Dial and Vernier Calipers,” paper.
2020 - No Award
Due to impact of the pandemic and the cancellation of the Workshop & Symposium
2019 - Ms. Barbara Tzur
Barbara came to metrology the hard way: without a metrology background, Barbara studied and gained knowledge from professionals, seminars and classes, from industry groups, and of course the auditors. It was in 1985 that Barbara decided to start a business,
Barbara did a market research study in Santa Barbara to see if there was a need for a metrology lab in the area. The companies Barbara talked with where excited about the possibility since when companies sent their instruments to be calibrated out
of the area, it sometimes took three months to get their equipment back. Barbara has been an active NCSL International Member since September 1985 (34 years!). At that time the TQM guide 25 was being considered as a new Standard, and NCSL then formed
the 174-writing committee and Barbara immediately joined the committee to represent the small business. Few women were running a metrology lab at that time. Barbara spends time working with customers and educating them on topics like the difference
between tolerance and specifications and what it takes to make it work. Customers call with questions when they are selecting equipment, establishing calibration schedules, or specifying acceptance values and Barbara is always there to guide them
in the right direction. Over the years Barbara has hired and trained a long list of technicians and engineers, introducing them to metrology and calibration. Barbara also hires UCSB students every year with engineering majors. All have gone on to
high-level engineering positions or PhD programs. They have stated that the experience of learning and practicing metrology, as taught by Barbara, has been a key to obtaining their first career position in their industry. Barbara has a BA in Experimental
Psychology and philosophy and a minor in physiology. Barbara earned her MA in Educational Administration. Barbara traveled across Europe on a bicycle and ended up in Israel, lived on a Kibbutz and learned the Hebrew language. Barbara returned to the
US, married, raised children and worked at the University of California Santa Barbara. Voila, Brylen Technologies, Inc was born.
2018 - Mr. Jesse Morse, Morse Metrology
Jesse has brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to focus in calibration-related metrology courses and training tutorials across North America. Jesse was instrumental in the formation of NCSLI publications NCSLI Measure and Metrologist. Jesse authored
many other articles for NCSLI and co-authored the ANSI/NCSL Z540.1 Handbook. He was also a strong contributor to the Calibration: Philosophy in Practice book, by Fluke Corporation which has provided training to thousands of metrologists and is a part
of nearly every calibration laboratory’s library. Jesse started working at Fluke Corporation in 1969 after completion of duties in the U.S. Air Force, as a service center manager in the southeastern United States. In 1979, Jesse relocated to Everett,
Washington and started performing training activities for Fluke. Jesse’s career at Fluke spanned over 40 years where he has developed and continues to teach Fluke’s Calibration Lab Management course and the Advanced Hands-on Metrology course with
excellent reviews. He has conducted many tutorials at NCSLI over the years, training hundreds of metrologists in electrical metrology theory and laboratory management. He also provides various other training courses under his company name, Morse Metrology.
2017 - Mr. Jason Koehn, The Boeing Company
In May 2013, Jason helped organize a curriculum development event (DACUM, "Developing a Curriculum") for measurement science, with industrial attendees including Boeing, CIM tech Inc, Fluke, Grayson Industries, Lockheed Martin, NCSLI, Northrop Grumman,
and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Jason helped the Center for Excellence obtain a $65K grant from NIST in 2014 to address the training gap between what is typically taught at community and technical colleges and the knowledge, skills, and abilities
(KSA's) required to effectively perform job requirements within the advanced manufacturing industry. With this support, 5 colleges-- North Seattle College, Everett Community College, Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Olympic College, and Shoreline
Community College-joined the project and worked closely on the curriculum design team. Support was also provided by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges in Olympia, Washington.
2016 - Mr. Mark Ruefenacht
Mark Ruefenacht has instructed, or co- instructed, at least 15 NCSL International Annual Conference Tutorials since 2005. He specializes in pharmaceutical and forensic metrology and quality assurance applications. His metrology experience includes mass,
balances and scales, pipettes, thermometry, dimensional, time, metrological traceability and uncertainty analysis. Mark is currently serving on the federal Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science.
2015 - Ms. Georgia Harris
Presented numerous papers, tutorials and workshops on learning and development subject matter at many NCSL International conferences and received a best paper award. Recently Georgia ended a nearly 20 year stint on the NCSLI Board of Directors beginning
in 1993 performing in the positions of: Eastern Division VP, Measurement Science and Technology VP, Publications VP, Learning and Development VP, Operations VP, Executive Vice President, President and most recently Immediate Past President.
2014 – Mr. Bill Hinton
As a Metrology Ambassador Bill has sponsored many tours of his work facility for local schools and even coordinated used equipment donations to these schools. Bill has personally sponsored membership in NCSLI for local instructors and partnered with state
and local agencies, other non-profit associations, and equipment manufacturers in conducting outreach events. Bill is well known and respected in the metrology community for his knowledge and candor on all things related to standards and behaviors
surrounding measuring and test equipment and laboratory protocol.
2013 – Ms. Gloria Neely
Ms. Gloria Neely Involved in NCSLI since 1990 and has been the Chair of Committee 163 since 2002. In addition to Committee 163 Gloria is an active member of several other committees. Gloria earned her B.S. degree from California State Polytechnic University
Pomona in Anthropology and Social Sciences and her M.A. from California State University San Bernardino in Social Sciences.
2012 - Ms. Elizabeth Gentry
Chair of the NCSLI 164 Education Liaison and Outreach committee, coordinates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education outreach in a grassroots movement known as “Metrology Ambassadorship” to develop increased awareness of measurement
science principles, Metrology careers, and strategies to increase new Metrologists entering the workforce.
2011 - Mr. Dilip A. Shah
Co-author of The Metrology Handbook published by the ASQ Quality Press and has contributed to the 2010 re-write of the CCT Primer by the Quality Council of Indiana. Dilip participated in the initial development of ASQ’s Certified Calibration Technician
exam. Dilip participates actively in the measurement related issues through NCSL International (NCSLI) where he presents sessions, papers and workshops. Dilip is also a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Dilip is a
member of the A2LA Board of Directors and Board Secretary (2006-2014). Dilip is a Chief Technical Officer for Workplace Training Inc. which provides many on-line measurement-related training options to the industry. Dilip is also involved in Learning
& Development Committee activities of NCSLI.
2010 - Mr. Tom Wiandt
Provided outstanding contributions to the field of metrology education and training. Over the last 8 years, Tom has traveled to numerous NCSLI Section meetings as an integral part of the uncertainty road show, providing countless seminars on understanding
temperature measurement uncertainty. Tom has helped to develop the temperature training seminars at Fluke Corp/Hart Scientific. These courses - Temperature Metrology, Principles of Temperature Metrology, Advanced Topics in Temperature Metrology, Industrial
Temperature Calibration and Realizing and Approximating ITS-90 - have provided the majority of temperature metrology training for the United States for the past 10 years. In addition to serving as an instructor in these courses, Tom has also used
these courses to develop tutorials in temperature metrology that have been conducted at the NCSLI conference since 1999. Tom’s dedication to both the NCSLI and to education in the field of temperature metrology serve as an inspiration to us all.
2009 - Dr. Richard Pettit
Contributions to education outreach and mentoring occurred in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Dick was a PhD Candidate Advisor at the New Mexico Institute of Mining Technology in Socorro, New Mexico. His job at the school consisted of advising several
PhD candidates who were working on their PhDs in solar energy materials. At the time, working in solar energy at Sandia and did so very successfully for many years. It was following his research in solar that he was promoted to a management position
in the Standards Section of the Sandia Laboratory. The School is 60 miles south of Albuquerque and Dick drive down every one to two months to meet with the students and their Professor. He continued this work for three or four years and thoroughly
enjoyed it.
2008 - Mr. Chris Grachanen
Metrology training and education efforts was to spearhead the creation of job descriptions for calibration technicians, calibration engineers and Metrologists for inclusion in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)
listing. The SOC is updated once every ten years and is the foundation for the Bureau's Outlook Occupational Handbook used by educators and counselors to provide career guidance to high school and college students. To this end, Chris chairs the NCSLI
Working Group on Standard Occupational Classifications which developed formal job descriptions submitted to the SOC and which were recently used in the 2007 NCSLI Benchmarking survey. The working group currently is in correspondence with the U.S.
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) trying to standardize occupation classifications across government agencies and will be developing standard HR packages for disseminating information about metrology occupations. Chris was one of the founding members
of NCSLI’s 164.1 Metrology Education & Training Outreach committee and a major contributor for NCSLI’s newly revised recommended practice on Calibration Procedures RP-3. Chris championed the creation of ASQ's Certified Calibration Technician (CCT)
body of knowledge which spanned nearly four years with participation from hundreds of calibration practitioners from the U.S. Dept. of Defense, U.S. Dept. of Energy, NASA, academic institutes, fortune 100 companies and private calibration facilities.
The CCT body of knowledge had been the foundation for numerous training courses as well as several outstanding training publications.
2007 - Dr. Klaus Jaeger
Provided outstanding contributions to the field of metrology education and training. Klaus’s largest contribution to metrology education and training has been in the development of the Tutorials held at the NCSLI annual conference. Klaus has designed,
developed and organized all aspects of the NCSLI tutorials, serving as the conference tutorial chair since its inception in 1999. Through the guidance of Dr. Jaeger, in the time period of 2000 though 2006, over 2,100 tutorial attendees have been able
to receive training and education through the NCSLI tutorial process. The NCSLI tutorial sessions that Klaus has developed are among the most significant metrology education and training activities in North America.
2005 - Dr. Howard Castrup
Dr. Castrup has published numerous technical papers and articles relating to analytical metrology and measurement analysis methods. He is active in the Measurement Science Conference and the NCSLI and has developed and teaches courses in measurement uncertainty
analysis and statistical measurement process control, measurement decision risk analysis, and calibration interval analysis.